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    For those couples looking start exploring their kinky side, this is the kit for you.

    Sex Toys for beginners

    We have sex toys / adult toys for all sorts of people,with a huge range we are sure we have something for you.

    We to have been where you are at the moment buying our 1st sex toy and understand your questions so feel free to reach out and ask as we are non judgemental and genuinly understand your concerns 

    Squeaky Pecker Keychain - Novelty Keychain - Early2bed

    Squeaky Pecker Keychain - Novelty Keychain


    Fetish Fantasy Series Limited Edition First Time Fantasy Kit - Black Bondage Kit - 5 Piece Set-PD4420-23

    Fetish Fantasy Series Limited Edition First Time Fantasy Kit-(pd4420-23)

    $62.95 $71.40

    Ingen Easy Strap-On Set - Flesh 19 cm (7.5) Strap-On-LV715006

    Ingen Easy Strap-On Set-(lv715006)

    $60.95 $71.90

    Bondage Fetish Deluxe Douche - Black Unisex Douche-LV764001

    Bondage Fetish Deluxe Douche-(lv764001)

    $49.95 $56.00

    Anal Indulgence Collection Silicone Fantasy Double Prober-(lv2614)

    $34.95 $39.95

    Sliding Skin Dual Layer Dong - Flesh 23 cm (9) Dong with Flexible Skin-LV317003

    Sliding Skin Dual Layer Dong-(lv317003)

    $60.95 $68.50

    The 9s Diclets - Aqua 17.8 cm (7) Dong-IC2677-2
    The 9s Diclets - Aqua 17.8 cm (7) Dong-IC2677-2

    The 9's Diclets-(ic2677-2)


    The 9s Diclets - Clear 17.8 cm (7) Dong-IC2676-2
    The 9s Diclets - Clear 17.8 cm (7) Dong-IC2676-2

    The 9's Diclets-(ic2676-2)


    The 9's Pinkies, Ridgy - Pink 11.4 cm (4.5'') Vibrator

    $22.97 $24.50

    Our Sex Game - Adult Board Game-USOSG

    Our Sex Game-(usosg)

    $51.95 $58.40

    Katrina Jade UltraSkyn Pocket Pussy

    $46.18 $51.95

    EnGAYged Sash - Novelty Sash-LGNVC.103

    EnGAYged Sash-(lgnvc.103)

    $24.95 $26.40